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Angela Jorden Coaching samples

For ten years, I created marketing materials for my personal coaching business. From flyers to e-books to e-newsletters, I wrote and designed all of my writing and marketing samples. 

Masterminds flyer pg1.png


Masterminds Flyer

Target audience: Women business owners, women entrepreneurs, women solopreneurs

Use: Call to Action (CTA) for women solopreneurs to join monthly mastermind meetings. 


Blocks Worksheet

Target audience: Life and Career coaching clients

Use: Worksheet highlighting blocks to success

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Reclaiming Your Power cover.PNG.png


More Power to You e-book

Target audience: Life and career coaching clients

Use: E-book highlighting benefits of boundary setting and owning your power. 


SolePower Guest Info Sheet

Target audience: Guests of the SolePower podcast - women solopreneurs and business owners.

Use: Pre-interview technical tip sheet for guests

Blue and Yellow Illustrative Creative Business Proposal Guide A4 Document (1).png
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